How much work one human being can do?

How much work one human being can do?

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How much work one human being can do?

The answer of the question mentioned in the heading is ‘infinite’.

Mathematically, this statement is totally wrong. Because, infinite means a number which is more than any finite number. In fact, the intention of saying infinite is that any human being can do enormous number of works.

But a person who is able to do enormous number of works should have some qualities:

Positive attitude

The human being should have the qualities of having positive attitude. The person should perceive that he can do any number of works.

Unless, the person does not perceive that he can do it, it may not be possible for him to accomplish the same. If any negative attitude like ‘may not be possible’ or so comes to his mind, then he cannot be successful.

Attitude of Improvement

Improvement in any work can minimize his time and effort. Hence, if a person feels that any work can be improvised by himself or any other person, then the productivity will definitely be increased.

Changing the processes

Any work can be broken into few small sub-works.

For example, a person is doing three works

of similar nature of activities. Here, let’s take the activity is some data preparation using Microsoft Excel.

The work one is subdivided into w11, w12 and w13. The work two is broken into w21, w22, w23, w24, w25 and the third work is broken inro w31 and w32.

Examine all the sub-works. There can be some similarity of the sub-works.

Say, w11, w23, and w31 are of similar activities and w13, w21 and w32 are again similar.

Now the first group of work, e.g., w11, w23 and w31 can be done together. Similarly, the other group of similar activities can be done together.

Then the remaining sub-works e.g., w12, w22, w24 and w25 are to be done.

This will definitely be the faster approach of the completing the activities.

Another improvisation may be possible.

For example, w11 and w32 are the data which can be prepared before starting the job, then those can be done proactively at your leisure time. This improvisation can minimize your time further.

Similarly, many more improvisations can be applied to minimize the time and the effort with your precious common sense.


Be happy with your improvisations and minimising the recourses. This happiness will lead to some more successes in future.


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